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Posted by: Mr.Masuo
Date: 2013/04/11(Thu) 14:49 No.2
When you click here, this image is expandedUntil now, by applying a smoothing filter to the raw data of a measurement result, it corresponded so that the changing trend of a radiation measurement value might be made intelligible.
However, there is a problem in the filter disposal method at the time of carrying out the new start of the measurement program, and I decided to set a filter to OFF.

And I changed the dynamic range of the graph scale into the auto range system from the fixed system.

A mixture indication of the graph change before and after change is given from change for less than 24 hours for these disposal. Although sense of incongruity arises in the meantime, it is improved after 24-hour progress.

Posted by: Mr.Masuo
Date: 2013/03/25(Mon) 11:24 No.1
When you click here, this image is expandedThank you for visiting my Home Page.

Meltdown happened in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Radioactivity spread and carried out into the atmosphere. And many people are troubled. I am performing a radiation measurement and I thought that he would like to carry out the right recognition to radioactivity. And I purchased the radiation measuring device and made this homepage for measurement result public presentation.

It is observing alone and precision for measurement is not guaranteed. Although it was observing alone and precision for measurement was not guaranteed, I made together with the expert's advice. I am happy if more helpful to you. This system will be two years soon. If these observations are checked every day, it will notice that there is a delicate change. Then, I made this blog page so that I could comments.

I sometimes comment. Please allow.

March, 2013 good day

- Joyful Note -